James J.F. Manipis, MSc

CEO - Infinite Division/Owner - Division 1 Athletics

Drawing from my military service with the US Army, my journey in the fitness industry commenced at Fort Drum, NY, where I served as a physical training coach under the guidance of my superiors. This opportunity instilled a passion for fitness in me, which led to me obtaining certifications and ultimately achieving the rank of Sergeant. During my tenure at Yongsan, Korea, I focused on tactical physical fitness training and combatives, which I leveraged to create a comprehensive program combining Physical Readiness Training (PRT) and Tactical Combatives exercises for my unit. At Fort Polk, LA, I earned the reputation as the lead combatives instructor for weekly training sessions, where I became known as an authority on tactical fitness. After completing my military service, I pursued a Master's degree in Sports and Health Sciences, with a specialization in exercise science. Today, I am a distinguished Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), with specializations in Tactical Conditioning (TCS) and Strength and Conditioning (SCC) accredited by the International Sports Science Association (ISSA). Additionally, I am a Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES), in which I had gained specialization in Stretching and Flexibility (SFC) and Virtual Coaching (VCS), accredited by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). I am dedicated to transforming lives through fitness, utilizing a holistic approach that emphasizes physical, mental, and tactical preparedness. My diverse skill set utilizing how I train soldiers, combined with an unwavering commitment to excellence, enables me to provide unparalleled fitness guidance, ensuring optimal results for my clients.

My Mission

Let's face it, shedding those pesky pounds and toning those muscles can be a grueling journey when you're flying solo. But hey, that's why I'm here - to help you conquer your fitness hurdles and achieve your desired results. I get it, adopting new fitness routines can be daunting and often falls flat. That's why I go the extra mile with a comprehensive assessment to dive deep into your obstacles, goals, and aspirations. Armed with my skills in training soldiers, I use unique tools and techniques to craft a tailor-fit plan that fits your immediate, short-term, and long-term vision. Once we've got your game plan sorted, we'll match you with the perfect program. Each program comes with a nifty meal plan that caters to your diet, recommended supplements, easy-peasy food portion guidelines, recipes, weekly Q&A, community forum, and even a nutritious health hacks email newsletter. My ultimate goal? To revolutionize your view on fitness and make it an integral part of your lifestyle. I'm a firm believer that with the right habits and a steadfast commitment to the program and system, you'll surpass your goals in no time. Let's do this!

My Vision

I'm a firm believer that every person, no matter their fitness level, has the power to unleash their true self. Back in my Army days, the NCOs would always drill into us, "Pain is weakness leaving the body!" It's all about perspective and how badly you want to succeed. My go-to quote is from 1 Corinthians 6:19: "Your body is a temple, a home for your soul." Once my clients change their mindset, they can work towards building a healthy and fit body, a temple that their soul can be proud to call home. My Army expertise has taught me a lot, and I'm excited to help anyone who feels stuck in their fitness journey. Let's transform together!

My Values

As they say, once a Soldier, always a Soldier! I've always lived by the Army's core values, which have helped me in my fitness coaching career as well. Let me break it down for you: Loyalty: It's all about being committed to your success and growth. I'll be your accountability partner, creating customized workout and nutrition plans to fit your lifestyle. Duty: I take my responsibility of helping you achieve your fitness goals seriously. No shortcuts, no fluff, just hard work and dedication. Respect: I trust that you're giving it your all, but if you're struggling, I'll make changes to your program to make sure you're still hitting those muscles while avoiding injury. Selfless-Service: Your success is my priority. I'll prioritize your needs to make sure you're getting the most out of your program. Honor: I make it a point to live by my values every day. It's not just about talking the talk, but walking the walk. Integrity: Transparency is key. You'll know exactly what to expect from your program, and I'll never deceive you. Personal Courage: We all have our fears and challenges, but it's about pushing past those mental blocks and tapping into your full potential. Together, we'll conquer any obstacles that come our way.

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James J.F. Manipis, MSc
James J.F. Manipis, MSc
James J.F. Manipis, MSc